Educational programs

The department trains light industry specialists in several educational programs of full-time and distance learning.


Educational direction 072 – Manufacturing and Processing Industries

Group of educational programs: В070/М114 Textiles: garment, footwear and leather goods

6В07204 – «Technology and design of light industry products»

Purpose of the EP – «Technology and design of light industry products»: training of highly qualified competitive personnel in the design and fashion technology industry from textiles and leather in accordance with the requirements of the republican and international labor markets.


  • Technology of sewing products (TSP)
  • Design of sewing products (DSP)
  • Technology, design of leather and fur products

The EP «Technology and design of light industry products» was accredited by the international agency ASIIN (Germany).

New educational programs are being implemented from the 2024-2025 academic year:

6B07207 – «Fashion technology»


  • Technology of sewing products (TSP)
  • Design of sewing products (DSP)
  • Digital clothing technologies (DCT)

Purpose of the EP «Fashion technology»: training of highly qualified competitive personnel in the field of design and technology of fashion industry products from textiles and leather in accordance with the requirements of the republican and international labor markets

Partner university: A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Moscow), I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Kyrgyzstan.


Educational direction 071– Engineering and Engineering affairs

Group of educational programs: В064/М103 Mechanics and metalworking

6B07107 – «Machines and devices of light industry»

Educational program 6B07107 – «Machines and devices of light industry» developed in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education, approved by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education” (application 1 “State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education” (with amendments and additions as of February 20, 2023).

Purpose of the EP: training of highly qualified competitive personnel in the mechanization of technological processes for light industry and in the maintenance and operation of equipment for garment, footwear and leather production, possessing the skills of designing and mastering modern technology.

Partner university: I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Kyrgyzstan.


7М07204 – «Technology and design of light industry products»

Educational programm 7М07204 – «Technology and design of light industry products» developed in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education, approved by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education” (application 1 “State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education” (with amendments and additions as of February 20, 2023).

Purpose of the EP: training highly specialized industrial and educational personnel capable of critical thinking and developing strategic decisions based on the integration of science and innovative knowledge in the design and technology of light industry products.

The EP was accredited by the international agency ASIIN (Germany).

Partner university, Research institute partner: Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Tashkent), A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Moscow).


8D07204 – «Technology and design of light industry products»

Educational programm 8D07204 – «Technology and design of light industry products» developed in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education, approved by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 2 “On approval of state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education” (application 1 “State Compulsory Standard of Higher Education” (with amendments and additions as of February 20, 2023).

Purpose of the EP: training of highly professional scientific, pedagogical and managerial personnel capable of fundamental and relevant applied scientific research, competent in the development and implementation of innovations to ensure the sustainable development of light industry.

The EP was accredited by the international agency ASIIN (Germany).

Partner university, Research institute partner: Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Tashkent), A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Moscow).

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